Joining Tables


Joining tables

  • The information we need for a given analysis may not be just in one table.

  • Here we use a simple examples to illustrate the general challenge of combining tables.

Joining tables

  • Suppose we want to explore the relationship between population size for US states and electoral votes.

  • We have the population size in this table:

       state abb region population total
1    Alabama  AL  South    4779736   135
2     Alaska  AK   West     710231    19
3    Arizona  AZ   West    6392017   232
4   Arkansas  AR  South    2915918    93
5 California  CA   West   37253956  1257
6   Colorado  CO   West    5029196    65

Joining tables

  • and electoral votes in this one:
         state electoral_votes clinton trump others
1   California              55    61.7  31.6    6.7
2        Texas              38    43.2  52.2    4.5
3      Florida              29    47.8  49.0    3.2
4     New York              29    59.0  36.5    4.5
5     Illinois              20    55.8  38.8    5.4
6 Pennsylvania              20    47.9  48.6    3.6

Joining tables

  • Just concatenating these two tables together will not work since the order of the states is not the same.
identical(results_us_election_2016$state, murders$state) 


  • The join functions are designed to handle this challenge.

  • The join functions in the dplyr package make sure that the tables are combined so that matching rows are together.

  • The general idea is that one needs to identify one or more columns that will serve to match the two tables.

  • A new table with the combined information is returned.


  • Notice what happens if we join the two tables above by state using left_join:
tab <- left_join(murders, results_us_election_2016, by = "state") |> 
  select(-others) |> rename(ev = electoral_votes) 
       state abb region population total ev clinton trump
1    Alabama  AL  South    4779736   135  9    34.4  62.1
2     Alaska  AK   West     710231    19  3    36.6  51.3
3    Arizona  AZ   West    6392017   232 11    45.1  48.7
4   Arkansas  AR  South    2915918    93  6    33.7  60.6
5 California  CA   West   37253956  1257 55    61.7  31.6
6   Colorado  CO   West    5029196    65  9    48.2  43.3


  • The data has been successfully joined and we can now, for example, make a plot to explore the relationship:


  • We see the relationship is close to linear with about 2 electoral votes for every million persons, but with very small states getting higher ratios.

  • In practice, it is not always the case that each row in one table has a matching row in the other.

  • For this reason, we have several versions of join.

  • To illustrate this challenge, we will take subsets of the tables above.



Note: These names are based on SQL.


  • We create the tables tab1 and tab2 so that they have some states in common but not all:
tab_1 <- slice(murders, 1:6) |> select(state, population) 
tab_2 <- results_us_election_2016 |>  
  filter(state %in% c("Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona",  
                    "California", "Connecticut", "Delaware")) |>  
  select(state, electoral_votes) |> rename(ev = electoral_votes) 
  • We will use these two tables as examples in the next sections.

Left join

  • Suppose we want a table like tab_1, but adding electoral votes to whatever states we have available.

  • For this, we use left_join with tab_1 as the first argument.

  • We specify which column to use to match with the by argument.

left_join(tab_1, tab_2, by = "state") 
       state population ev
1    Alabama    4779736  9
2     Alaska     710231  3
3    Arizona    6392017 11
4   Arkansas    2915918 NA
5 California   37253956 55
6   Colorado    5029196 NA
  • Note that NAs are added to the two states not appearing in tab_2.

Left join

  • Also, notice that this function, as well as all the other joins, can receive the first arguments through the pipe:
tab_1 |> left_join(tab_2, by = "state") 

Right join

  • If instead of a table with the same rows as first table, we want one with the same rows as second table, we can use right_join:
tab_1 |> right_join(tab_2, by = "state") 
        state population ev
1     Alabama    4779736  9
2      Alaska     710231  3
3     Arizona    6392017 11
4  California   37253956 55
5 Connecticut         NA  7
6    Delaware         NA  3
  • Now the NAs are in the column coming from tab_1.

Inner join

  • If we want to keep only the rows that have information in both tables, we use inner_join.

  • You can think of this as an intersection:

inner_join(tab_1, tab_2, by = "state") 
       state population ev
1    Alabama    4779736  9
2     Alaska     710231  3
3    Arizona    6392017 11
4 California   37253956 55

Full join

  • If we want to keep all the rows and fill the missing parts with NAs, we can use full_join.

  • You can think of this as a union:

full_join(tab_1, tab_2, by = "state") 
        state population ev
1     Alabama    4779736  9
2      Alaska     710231  3
3     Arizona    6392017 11
4    Arkansas    2915918 NA
5  California   37253956 55
6    Colorado    5029196 NA
7 Connecticut         NA  7
8    Delaware         NA  3

Semi join

  • The semi_join function lets us keep the part of first table for which we have information in the second.

  • It does not add the columns of the second:

semi_join(tab_1, tab_2, by = "state") 
       state population
1    Alabama    4779736
2     Alaska     710231
3    Arizona    6392017
4 California   37253956

Anti join

  • The function anti_join is the opposite of semi_join.

  • It keeps the elements of the first table for which there is no information in the second:

anti_join(tab_1, tab_2, by = "state") 
     state population
1 Arkansas    2915918
2 Colorado    5029196


  • Although we have yet to use it in this book, another common way in which datasets are combined is by binding them.

  • Unlike the join function, the binding functions do not try to match by a variable, but instead simply combine datasets.

  • If the datasets don’t match by the appropriate dimensions, one obtains an error.

Binding columns

  • The dplyr function bind_cols binds two objects by making them columns in a tibble.
bind_cols(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) 
# A tibble: 3 × 2
      a     b
  <int> <int>
1     1     4
2     2     5
3     3     6
  • This function requires that we assign names to the columns. Here we chose a and b.

  • Note that there is an R-base function cbind with the exact same functionality.

Binding columns

  • An important difference is that cbind can create different types of objects, while bind_cols always produces a data frame.

  • bind_cols can also bind two different data frames.

Binding columns

  • For example, here we break up the tab data frame and then bind them back together:
tab_1 <- tab[, 1:3] 
tab_2 <- tab[, 4:6] 
tab_3 <- tab[, 7:8] 
new_tab <- bind_cols(tab_1, tab_2, tab_3) 
       state abb region population total ev clinton trump
1    Alabama  AL  South    4779736   135  9    34.4  62.1
2     Alaska  AK   West     710231    19  3    36.6  51.3
3    Arizona  AZ   West    6392017   232 11    45.1  48.7
4   Arkansas  AR  South    2915918    93  6    33.7  60.6
5 California  CA   West   37253956  1257 55    61.7  31.6
6   Colorado  CO   West    5029196    65  9    48.2  43.3

Binding by rows

  • The bind_rows function is similar to bind_cols, but binds rows instead of columns:
tab_1 <- tab[1:2,] 
tab_2 <- tab[3:4,] 
bind_rows(tab_1, tab_2) 
     state abb region population total ev clinton trump
1  Alabama  AL  South    4779736   135  9    34.4  62.1
2   Alaska  AK   West     710231    19  3    36.6  51.3
3  Arizona  AZ   West    6392017   232 11    45.1  48.7
4 Arkansas  AR  South    2915918    93  6    33.7  60.6
  • This is based on an R-base function rbind.

Set operators

  • Another set of commands useful for combining datasets are the set operators.

  • When applied to vectors, these behave as their names suggest.

  • Examples are intersect, union, setdiff, and setequal.

  • However, if the tidyverse, or more specifically dplyr, is loaded, these functions can be used on data frames as opposed to just on vectors.


  • You can take intersections of vectors of any type, such as numeric:
intersect(1:10, 6:15) 
[1]  6  7  8  9 10
  • or characters:
intersect(c("a","b","c"), c("b","c","d")) 
[1] "b" "c"
  • dplyr includes an intersect function that can be applied to tables with the same column names.

  • This function returns the rows in common between two tables.


  • To make sure we use the dplyr version of intersect rather than the base R version, we can use dplyr::intersect like this:
tab_1 <- tab[1:5,] 
tab_2 <- tab[3:7,] 
dplyr::intersect(tab_1, tab_2) 
       state abb region population total ev clinton trump
1    Arizona  AZ   West    6392017   232 11    45.1  48.7
2   Arkansas  AR  South    2915918    93  6    33.7  60.6
3 California  CA   West   37253956  1257 55    61.7  31.6


  • Similarly union takes the union of vectors.

  • For example:

union(1:10, 6:15) 
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
union(c("a","b","c"), c("b","c","d")) 
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"


  • dplyr includes a version of union that combines all the rows of two tables with the same column names.
tab_1 <- tab[1:5,] 
tab_2 <- tab[3:7,] 
dplyr::union(tab_1, tab_2)  
        state abb    region population total ev clinton trump
1     Alabama  AL     South    4779736   135  9    34.4  62.1
2      Alaska  AK      West     710231    19  3    36.6  51.3
3     Arizona  AZ      West    6392017   232 11    45.1  48.7
4    Arkansas  AR     South    2915918    93  6    33.7  60.6
5  California  CA      West   37253956  1257 55    61.7  31.6
6    Colorado  CO      West    5029196    65  9    48.2  43.3
7 Connecticut  CT Northeast    3574097    97  7    54.6  40.9


  • The set difference between a first and second argument can be obtained with setdiff.

  • Unlike intersect and union, this function is not symmetric:

setdiff(1:10, 6:15) 
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
setdiff(6:15, 1:10) 
[1] 11 12 13 14 15


  • As with the functions shown above, dplyr has a version for data frames:
tab_1 <- tab[1:5,] 
tab_2 <- tab[3:7,] 
dplyr::setdiff(tab_1, tab_2) 
    state abb region population total ev clinton trump
1 Alabama  AL  South    4779736   135  9    34.4  62.1
2  Alaska  AK   West     710231    19  3    36.6  51.3


  • Finally, the function setequal tells us if two sets are the same, regardless of order.

  • So notice that:

setequal(1:5, 1:6) 
  • but:
setequal(1:5, 5:1) 
[1] TRUE


  • The dplyr version checks whether data frames are equal, regardless of order of rows or columns:
dplyr::setequal(tab_1, tab_2) 

Joining with data.table

  • The data.table package includes merge, a very efficient function for joining tables.

  • In tidyverse we joined two tables with left_join:

tab <- left_join(murders, results_us_election_2016, by = "state")  

Joining with data.table

  • In data.table the merge functions works similarly:
tab <- merge(murders, results_us_election_2016, by = "state", all.x = TRUE) 

Joining with data.table

  • Instead of defining different functions for the different type of joins, merge uses the the logical arguments all (full join), all.x (left join), and all.y (right join).