
Rafael A. Irizarry


Machine Learning

  • Machine learning has achieved remarkable successes in a variety of applications.

  • These range from the postal service’s use of machine learning for reading handwritten zip codes to the development of voice recognition systems.

Machine Learning

  • Other significant advances include movie recommendation systems, spam and malware detection, housing price prediction algorithms, and the ongoing development of autonomous vehicles.

  • The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been evolving for several decades.

Machine Learning

  • Traditional AI systems, including some chess-playing machines, often relied on decision-making based on preset rules and knowledge representation.

  • However, with the advent of data availability, machine learning has gained prominence.

  • It focuses on decision-making through algorithms trained with data.

  • In recent years, the terms AI and Machine Learning have been used interchangeably in many contexts, though they have distinct meanings.

Machine Learning

  • Machine learning has achieved remarkable successes, ranging from the postal service’s handwritten zip code readers to voice recognition systems like Apple’s Siri.

  • These advances also include movie recommendation systems, spam and malware detection, housing price prediction algorithms, and the development of driverless cars.


  • Outcome - what we want to predict

  • Features - what we use to predict the outcome.

  • Algorithms that take feature values as input and returns a prediction for the outcome.

  • We train an algorithm using a dataset for which we do know the outcome, and then apply algorithm when we don’t know the outcome.


  • Prediction problems can be divided into categorical and continuous outcomes.


  • The number of classes can vary greatly across applications.

  • We denote the \(K\) categories with indexes \(k=1,\dots,K\).

  • However, for binary data we will use \(k=0,1\) for mathematical conveniences that we demonstrate later.


Examples of outcomes include:

  • stock prices
  • realestate prices
  • temperature next week
  • student perforamnce


  • We use \(y_i\) to denote the i-th outcome

  • \(x_{i,1}, \dots, x_{i,p}\) the corresponding features.

  • Also referred to as predictors or covariates.

  • We use matrix notation \(\mathbf{x}_i = (x_{i,1}, \dots, x_{i,p})^\top\) to denote the vector of predictors.


  • Because, we often use statistical models to motivate algorithms we also use capital letters:

\[ Y \mbox{ and } \mathbf{X} = (X_{1}, \dots, X_{p}) \]

  • Note we drop the index \(i\) because it represents the random variable that generates observations.

  • We use lower case, for example \(\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{x}\), to denote observed values.


  • The machine learning task is to build an algorithm that returns a prediction for any of the possible values of the features:

\[ \hat{y} = f(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_p) \]

  • We will learn several approaches to building these algorithms.

The machine learning challenge

  • The general setup is as follows.

  • We have a series of features and an unknown outcome we want to predict:

outcome feature 1 feature 2 feature 3 \(\dots\) feature p
? \(X_1\) \(X_2\) \(X_3\) \(\dots\) \(X_p\)

The machine learning challenge

  • To build a model that provides a prediction for any set of observed values \(X_1=x_1, X_2=x_2, \dots X_p=x_p\), we collect data for which we know the outcome:
outcome feature 1 feature 2 feature 3 \(\dots\) feature 5
\(y_{1}\) \(x_{1,1}\) \(x_{1,2}\) \(x_{1,3}\) \(\dots\) \(x_{1,p}\)
\(y_{2}\) \(x_{2,1}\) \(x_{2,2}\) \(x_{2,3}\) \(\dots\) \(x_{2,p}\)
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\ddots\) \(\vdots\)
\(y_n\) \(x_{n,1}\) \(x_{n,2}\) \(x_{n,3}\) \(\dots\) \(x_{n,p}\)

The machine learning challenge

  • When the output is continuous, we refer to the ML task as prediction.

  • We use the term actual outcome \(y\) to denote what we end up observing.

  • We want the prediction \(\hat{y}\) to match the actual outcome \(y\) as best as possible.

  • We define error as the difference between the prediction and the actual outcome \(y - \hat{y}\).

The machine learning challenge

  • When the outcome is categorical, we refer to the machine learning task as classification

  • The main output of the model will be a decision rule which prescribes which of the \(K\) classes we should predict.

The machine learning challenge

  • Most models provide functions for each class \(k\), \(f_k(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_p)\), that are used to make this decision such as

\[ \mbox{When } f_k(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_p) > C, \mbox{ predict category } k \]

  • Here predictions will be either right or wrong.