Multivariate Regression


Multivariate Regression

  • Since Galton’s original development, regression has become one of the most widely used tools in data analysis.

  • One reason is the fact that an adaptation of the original regression approach, based on linear models, permits us to find relationships between two variables taking into account the effects of other variables that affect both.

  • This has been particularly popular in fields where randomized experiments are hard to run, such as economics and epidemiology.

Multivariate Regression

  • When we are unable to randomly assign each individual to a treatment or control group, confounding becomes particularly prevalent.

  • For instance, consider estimating the effect of eating fast foods on life expectancy using data collected from a random sample of people in a jurisdiction.

  • Fast food consumers are more likely to be smokers, drinkers, and have lower incomes.

  • Consequently, a naive regression model may lead to an overestimate of the negative health effects of fast food.

Multivariate Regression

  • So, how do we account for confounding in practice?

  • Today we learn how multivariate regression can help with such situations and can be used to describe how one or more variables affect an outcome variable.

  • We illustrate with a real-world example in which data was used to help pick underappreciated players to improve a resource limited sports team.

Case study: Moneyball



Case study: Moneyball


Baseball basics

Baseball basics

  • Bases on balls (BB): The pitcher fails to throw the ball through a predefined area considered to be hittable (the strike zone), so the batter is permitted to go to first base.

  • Single: The batter hits the ball and gets to first base.

  • Double (2B): The batter hits the ball and gets to second base.

  • Triple (3B): The batter hits the ball and gets to third base.

  • Home Run (HR): The batter hits the ball and goes all the way home and scores a run.

Baseball basics

Baseball basics

  • Here is an example of a stolen base:

  • All these events are tracked throughout the season and are available to us through the Lahman package.

  • Now, we can begin discussing how data analysis can help us determine how to use these statistics to evaluate players.

No awards for base on balls

Base on balls or stolen bases?

dat <- Teams |> filter(yearID %in% 1962:2002) |> 
  mutate(team = teamID, year = yearID, r = R/G,  
         singles = (H - X2B - X3B - HR)/G,  
         doubles = X2B/G, triples = X3B/G, hr = HR/G, 
         sb = SB/G, bb = BB/G) |> 
  select(team, year, r, singles, doubles, triples, hr, sb, bb) 

Base on balls or stolen bases?

  • Now let’s start with a obvious question: do teams that hit more home runs score more runs? When exploring the relationship between two variables, The visualization of choice is a scatterplot:

Base on balls or stolen bases?

Base on balls or stolen bases?

Base on balls or stolen bases?

  • But does this mean that increasing a team’s BBs causes an increase in runs?

Regression applied to baseball

  • Can we use regression with these data?

Regression applied to baseball

  • Now we are ready to use linear regression to predict the number of runs a team will score, if we know how many home runs the team hits using regression:
hr_fit  <- lm(r ~ hr, data = dat)$coef 
p + geom_abline(intercept = hr_fit[[1]], slope = hr_fit[[2]]) 

Regression applied to baseball

In ggplot we can do this:

p + geom_smooth(method = "lm") 

The broom package

fit <- lm(r ~ bb, data = dat) 
tidy(fit, = TRUE) 
# A tibble: 2 × 7
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    1.93     0.116       16.7 1.91e-55    1.70      2.15 
2 bb             0.739    0.0348      21.2 1.90e-83    0.671     0.807
  • The other functions provided by broom, glance and augment, relate to model-specific and observation-specific outcomes, respectively.


  • Previously, we noted a strong relationship between Runs and BB.

  • If we find the regression line for predicting runs from bases on balls, we a get slope of:

bb_slope <- lm(r ~ bb, data = dat)$coef[2] 


  • The data does provide strong evidence that a team with two more BB per game than the average team, scores 1.5 runs per game.

  • But this does not mean that BB are the cause.


  • Note that, if we compute the regression line slope for singles, we get:
lm(r ~ singles, data = dat)$coef[2] 


  • Here we show the correlation between HR, BB, and singles:
dat |> summarize(cor(bb, hr), cor(singles, hr), cor(bb, singles)) 
  cor(bb, hr) cor(singles, hr) cor(bb, singles)
1   0.4064585       -0.1862848      -0.05126617


  • A first approach is to keep HRs fixed at a certain value and then examine the relationship between BB and runs.
dat |> mutate(hr_strata = round(hr, 1)) |>  
  filter(hr_strata >= 0.4 & hr_strata <= 1.2) |> 
  ggplot(aes(bb, r)) +   
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") + 



  • Once we stratify by HR, these slopes are substantially reduced:
dat |> mutate(hr_strata = round(hr, 1)) |>  
  filter(hr_strata >= 0.5 & hr_strata <= 1.2) |>   
  group_by(hr_strata) |> 
  reframe(tidy(lm(r ~ bb))) |> 
  filter(term == "bb") 
# A tibble: 8 × 6
  hr_strata term  estimate std.error statistic  p.value
      <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1       0.5 bb       0.566    0.110       5.14 3.02e- 6
2       0.6 bb       0.405    0.0984      4.12 7.46e- 5
3       0.7 bb       0.284    0.0717      3.96 1.13e- 4
4       0.8 bb       0.378    0.0638      5.92 1.75e- 8
5       0.9 bb       0.254    0.0762      3.33 1.08e- 3
6       1   bb       0.506    0.0720      7.02 9.46e-11
7       1.1 bb       0.444    0.0878      5.06 2.77e- 6
8       1.2 bb       0.469    0.0804      5.84 2.91e- 7


dat |> mutate(bb_strata = round(bb, 1)) |>  
  filter(bb_strata >= 3 & bb_strata <= 4) |>   
  group_by(bb_strata) |> 
  reframe(tidy(lm(r ~ hr))) |> 
  filter(term == "hr") 
# A tibble: 11 × 6
   bb_strata term  estimate std.error statistic  p.value
       <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1       3   hr        1.51     0.182      8.31 1.47e-12
 2       3.1 hr        1.49     0.168      8.87 3.10e-14
 3       3.2 hr        1.61     0.150     10.8  6.96e-18
 4       3.3 hr        1.57     0.167      9.39 5.73e-15
 5       3.4 hr        1.55     0.153     10.1  3.77e-16
 6       3.5 hr        1.64     0.174      9.43 4.96e-14
 7       3.6 hr        1.78     0.197      8.99 6.68e-13
 8       3.7 hr        1.47     0.196      7.50 6.37e-10
 9       3.8 hr        1.66     0.202      8.24 9.64e-11
10       3.9 hr        1.29     0.289      4.45 1.15e- 4
11       4   hr        1.36     0.218      6.27 4.38e- 7

Multivariable regression

  • It is somewhat complex to be computing regression lines for each strata.

  • We are essentially fitting models like this:

\[ \mbox{E}[R \mid BB = x_1, \, HR = x_2] = \beta_0 + \beta_1(x_2) x_1 + \beta_2(x_1) x_2 \]

  • with the slopes for \(x_1\) changing for different values of \(x_2\) and vice versa.

  • But is there an easier approach?

Multivariable regression

  • If we take random variability into account, the slopes in the strata don’t appear to change much.

  • If these slopes are in fact the same, this implies that \(\beta_1(x_2)\) and \(\beta_2(x_1)\) are constants.

  • This, in turn, implies that the expectation of runs conditioned on HR and BB can be written as follows:

\[ \mbox{E}[R \mid BB = x_1, \, HR = x_2] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 \]

Multivariable regression

  • This model suggests that, if the number of HR is fixed at \(x_2\), we observe a linear relationship between runs and BB with an intercept of \(\beta_0 + \beta_2 x_2\).

  • Our exploratory data analysis suggested that this is the case.

  • The model also suggests that as the number of HR grows, the intercept growth is linear as well and determined by \(\beta_1\).

  • In this analysis, referred to as multivariable regression, you will often hear people say that the BB slope \(\beta_1\) is adjusted for the HR effect.

Multivariable regression

  • Because the data is approximately normal and conditional distributions were also normal, we are justified in using a linear model:

\[ Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i,1} + \beta_2 x_{i,2} + \varepsilon_i \]

  • with \(Y_i\) runs per game for team \(i\), \(x_{i,1}\) walks per game, and \(x_{i,2}\).

Multivariable regression

  • To use lm here, we need to let the function know we have two predictor variables.

  • We therefore use the + symbol as follows:

tidy(lm(r ~ bb + hr, data = dat), = TRUE)  
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    1.74     0.0820      21.2 3.38e- 83    1.58      1.90 
2 bb             0.387    0.0269      14.4 8.41e- 43    0.334     0.440
3 hr             1.57     0.0488      32.1 1.39e-157    1.47      1.66 

Multivariable regression

  • When we fit the model with only one variable, the estimated slopes were 0.74 and 1.85 for BB and HR, respectively.

  • Note that when fitting the multivariable model both go down, with the BB effect decreasing much more.

Building a baseball team

\[ Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i,1} + \beta_2 x_{i,2} + \beta_3 x_{i,3}+ \beta_4 x_{i,4} + \beta_5 x_{i,5} + \varepsilon_i \]

  • with \(x_{i,1}, x_{i,2}, x_{i,3}, x_{i,4}, x_{i,5}\) representing BB, singles, doubles, triples, and HR respectively.

Building a baseball team

  • Using lm, we can quickly find the LSE for the parameters using:
fit <- dat |>  filter(year <= 2001) |>  
  lm(r ~ bb + singles + doubles + triples + hr, data = _) 

Building a baseball team

  • We can see the coefficients using tidy:
tidy(fit, = TRUE) |> filter(term != "(Intercept)") 
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  term    estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 bb         0.370    0.0119      31.2 1.00e-149    0.347     0.393
2 singles    0.517    0.0128      40.5 5.29e-213    0.492     0.543
3 doubles    0.775    0.0229      33.8 7.09e-168    0.730     0.820
4 triples    1.24     0.0778      15.9 4.62e- 51    1.09      1.39 
5 hr         1.44     0.0248      58.1 1.98e-323    1.39      1.49 

Building a baseball team

  • To see how well our metric actually predicts runs, we can predict the number of runs for each team in 2002 using the function predict, then make a plot:
dat |> mutate(r_hat = predict(fit, newdata = dat)) |> 
  filter(year == 2002) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(r_hat, r, label = team)) +  
  geom_point() + 
  geom_text(nudge_x = 0.1, cex = 2) +  

Building a baseball team

Building a baseball team

  • The formula would look like this: -2.76 + 0.37 \(\times\) BB + 0.52 \(\times\) singles + 0.78 \(\times\) doubles + 1.24 \(\times\) triples + 1.44 \(\times\) HR.

  • To define a player-specific metric, we have a bit more work to do.

Building a baseball team

pa_per_game <- Batting |> filter(yearID == 2002) |>  
  group_by(teamID) |> 
  summarize(pa_per_game = sum(AB + BB)/162) |>  
  pull(pa_per_game) |>  

Building a baseball team

players <- Batting |>  
  filter(yearID %in% 1997:2001) |>  
  group_by(playerID) |> 
  mutate(pa = BB + AB) |> 
  summarize(g = sum(pa)/pa_per_game, 
    bb = sum(BB)/g, 
    singles = sum(H - X2B - X3B - HR)/g, 
    doubles = sum(X2B)/g,  
    triples = sum(X3B)/g,  
    hr = sum(HR)/g, 
    avg = sum(H)/sum(AB), 
    pa = sum(pa)) |> 
  filter(pa >= 1000) |> 
players$r_hat = predict(fit, newdata = players) 

Building a baseball team

hist(players$r_hat, main = "Predicted runs per game") 

Building a baseball team

Building a baseball team

players <- Salaries |>  
  filter(yearID == 2002) |> 
  select(playerID, salary) |> 
  right_join(players, by = "playerID") 

Building a baseball team

position_names <-  
  paste0("G_", c("p","c","1b","2b","3b","ss","lf","cf","rf", "dh")) 
tmp <- Appearances |>  
  filter(yearID == 2002) |>  
  group_by(playerID) |> 
  summarize_at(position_names, sum) |> 
pos <- tmp |> 
  select(all_of(position_names)) |> 
  apply(X = _, 1, which.max)  
players <- tibble(playerID = tmp$playerID, POS = position_names[pos]) |> 
  mutate(POS = str_to_upper(str_remove(POS, "G_"))) |> 
  filter(POS != "P") |> 
  right_join(players, by = "playerID") |> 
  filter(!  & ! 

Building a baseball team

players <- People |> 
  select(playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, debut) |> 
  mutate(debut = as.Date(debut)) |> 
  right_join(players, by = "playerID") 

Building a baseball team

  • If you are a baseball fan, you will recognize the top 10 players:
players |> select(nameFirst, nameLast, POS, salary, r_hat) |> arrange(desc(r_hat)) |> head(10)  
   nameFirst nameLast POS   salary    r_hat
1      Barry    Bonds  LF 15000000 8.052460
2      Larry   Walker  RF 12666667 7.960583
3       Todd   Helton  1B  5000000 7.403074
4      Manny  Ramirez  LF 15462727 7.352475
5      Sammy     Sosa  RF 15000000 7.201670
6       Jeff  Bagwell  1B 11000000 7.053805
7       Mike   Piazza   C 10571429 6.993616
8      Jason   Giambi  1B 10428571 6.916405
9      Edgar Martinez  DH  7086668 6.912145
10       Jim    Thome  1B  8000000 6.885270

Building a baseball team

nameFirst nameLast POS salary r_hat
Todd Helton 1B 5000000 7.403073
Mike Piazza C 10571429 6.993616
Edgar Martinez DH 7086668 6.912145
Jim Edmonds CF 7333333 6.231373
Jeff Kent 2B 6000000 6.079064
Phil Nevin 3B 2600000 5.857409
Matt Stairs RF 500000 5.758631
Henry Rodriguez LF 300000 5.640563
John Valentin SS 550000 5.000417

Building a baseball team

nameLast bb singles doubles triples hr avg r_hat
Helton 0.91 -0.21 2.65 -0.31 1.52 2.67 2.54
Piazza 0.33 0.42 0.20 -1.42 1.83 2.20 2.09
Martinez 2.14 -0.01 1.26 -1.22 0.81 2.20 2.00
Edmonds 1.07 -0.56 0.79 -1.15 0.97 0.85 1.26
Kent 0.23 -0.73 2.01 0.45 0.77 0.79 1.09
Nevin 0.31 -0.91 0.48 -1.19 1.19 0.10 0.85
Stairs 1.10 -1.51 -0.05 -1.13 1.12 -0.56 0.74
Rodriguez 0.20 -1.60 0.33 -0.78 1.32 -0.67 0.61
Valentin 0.18 -0.93 1.79 -0.43 -0.05 -0.47 -0.09