Recommendation systems use rating data from many products and users to make recommendations for a specific user. Netflix uses a recommendation system to predict your ratings for a specific movie.

On October 2006 Netflix offered a challenge to the data science community: improve our recommendation algorithm by 10% and win a million dollars. In September 2009 the winners were announced. You can read a good summary of how the winning algorithm was put together here and a more detailed explanation here.


In this homework, you will build your own recommendation system. You will submit predicted recommendations for a test data set where we have kept the actual recommendations hidden. The set that you will have to predict is available on GitHub here. We will then check your performance and have our own Netflix challenge. You are allowed to form group. The winning team, defined by the best root mean squared error (RMSE), will receive a prize. Along the way we will learn about regularization and PCA to estimate hidden factors.

In the problems below, we will ask you to try out different models. Keep track of the RMSE you get for each one because we will ask you to report it at the end.

Problem 1

Problem 1A

Load the large data set which is compressed into R. Call the data set ratings. How many users are there in the ratings data set? How many movies are in the ratings data set? What is the lowest rating in the data set? The highest?

Hint: You can read in compressed file with read_csv(gzfile(filename))

## put your code here

filename <- "~/Downloads/movielens-train.csv.gz"
ratings <- read_csv(gzfile(filename)) 
ratings %>% summarize(
## Source: local data frame [1 x 4]
##   n_users n_movies min_rating max_rating
##     (int)    (int)      (dbl)      (dbl)
## 1  247753    33670        0.5          5

Problem 1B

What is the median number of movies each user has rated? What is the maximum number of movies rated by a single user?

## put your code here

ratings %>% group_by(userId) %>% 
  summarize(n_movies=n()) %>% 
  summarize(median = median(n_movies), max = max(n_movies))
## Source: local data frame [1 x 2]
##   median   max
##    (int) (int)
## 1     27  8821

Comment on these results and how they compare to the total number of movies in the data set.

Your answer here: commentary section is getting at sparsity

Problem 1C

Now that we know some basic facts about our data set, let’s randomly split the data into training and test data. Use set.seed(755) and the sample() function to select your test index to create two separate data frames called: train and test from the original ratings data frame. Please have test contain a randomly selected 10% of the rows of ratings, and have train contain the other 90%. We will use these data frames to do the rest of the analyses in the problem set. After you create train and test, you can remove ratings to save space.

## put your code here

n_test <- round(nrow(ratings) / 10)
test_indices <- sample(1:nrow(ratings), n_test, replace=FALSE)
test <- ratings[test_indices,]
train <- ratings[-test_indices,]
rm(ratings) #to save space

Problem 1D

Write a function called RMSE() that takes two numeric vectors (one corresponding to the true movie ratings, and one corresponding to predicted movie ratings) as input, and returns the root mean square error (RMSE) between the two as output. The definition of root mean square error is square root of the average of the residuals squared:

\[\mbox{RMSE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N (\hat{Y}_i - Y_i)^2}\]

where \(Y_i\) is the true \(i\)-th movie rating and \(\hat{Y}_i\) our predicted rating. We can interpret this similarly to a standard deviation. It is the typical error we make when predicting a movie rating.

Verify that RMSE(true_ratings=c(4,3,3,4), predicted_ratings=c(4.5,3.5,1,4)) is 1.06.

## put your code here

RMSE <- function(true_ratings, predicted_ratings){
    sqrt(mean((true_ratings - predicted_ratings)^2))

RMSE(true_ratings=c(4,3,3,4), predicted_ratings=c(4.5,3.5,1,4))
## [1] 1.06066

RMSE was the metric used to judge entries in the Netflix challenge. The lower the RMSE was on Netflix’s quiz set between the submitted rating predictions and the actual ratings, the better the method was. We will be using RMSE to evaluate our machine learning models in this homework as well.

Problem 2

Problem 2A

Our goal here is to fit a model using the train data that we can use to predict user ratings for the movies in the test data. To begin, let’s fit the simplest possible model: suppose we decided to do no statistical work at all and simply predict every single rating to be the average rating in the training set.

What is the RMSE on the test set using this naive model?

## put your code here

average_rating <- mean(train$rating)
predictions <- rep(average_rating, nrow(test))
naive_rmse <- RMSE(test$rating, predictions)
## [1] 1.060378

Problem 2B

We get a RMSE of about 1. To win the grand prize of $1,000,000, a participating team had to get an RMSE of about 0.857. So we can definitely do better!

We have information about individual users and about individual movies. Some movies are likely just better than other movies (more highly-rated on average), and some users are probably more critical of movies than other users (give lower ratings on average). Let’s take advantage of that information.

Let’s start with a simple model that accounts for differences between movies. In Problem 2A, we predicted all ratings with the same value, the mean. To account for the different ratings we would model the observed rating \(Y_{u,i}\) for user \(u\) and movie \(i\) like this:

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

where \(\mu\) is the average rating and \(\varepsilon_{u,i}\) a random term explaining the differences between ratings.

But we know that some movies are better than others. So we can add a term \(b_i\) to account for this and augment the model to

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + b_i + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

In statistics we usually call the \(b\)s as effects, but in the Netflix challenge papers they refer to them as “bias” thus the \(b\) notation.

To make a prediction we need to estimate \(b_i\). We could use the lm() function to obtain least square estimates. However, from Problem 1A we know that there are over 20,000 movies in our train data set. The lm() function is not really meant for such scenarios. There are tools in R for such situation, but because we know that the least square estimate is just the average of \(Y_{u,i} - \hat{\mu}\) for each movie, where \(\hat{\mu}\) the average computed in Problem 2A, we can simply use these averages.

Compute an estimate \(\hat{b}_i\) for each \(b_i\). Visualize and describe the distribution of the \(\hat{b}_i\). Then, create a prediction with \(\hat{\mu} + \hat{b}_i\) and calculate the RMSE.

Hint 1: Use group_by() and summarize() to estimate the \(b_i\) and then one of the join functions to create a predictor for each user/movie combination in the test set.

Hint 2: When you go predict on the test set, some of the users in the test set are not in the train set. You will not be able to estimate \(b_i\) for them. Use the replace_na() function to make these biases 0.

## put your code here

# compute an estimate for each b_i
mu <- mean(train$rating)
movie_means <- train %>% 
  group_by(movieId) %>% 
  summarize(b_i = mean(rating - mu))

### Explore the distribution

### To make prediction use join
joined <- test %>% 
  left_join(movie_means, by='movieId') %>% 

predicted_ratings <- mu + joined$b_i
print(RMSE(predicted_ratings, test$rating))
## [1] 0.9547747

Problem 2C

In Problem 2B, we noted that the distribution for the \(b_i\) had values as small as -3. Use this file to get the movie titles and add them to your data frame containing the \(b_i\) movie biases. What are the 10 best and 10 worst rated movies based on the bias estimate \(b_i\)? Report the number of users that rated each one.

## put your code here

mu <- mean(train$rating)
movie_means <- train %>% ## as above but adding n_i
  group_by(movieId) %>% 
  summarize(b_i = mean(rating - mu), n_i = n())

##now use join to add movie titles:
movies <- read_csv("")
movie_means <- movie_means %>% left_join(movies) 

## use arrange() to look at top 10 and bottom 10
arrange(movie_means, b_i) %>% 
    select(title, n_i, b_i) %>% 
## Source: local data frame [33,033 x 3]
##                                               title   n_i       b_i
##                                               (chr) (int)     (dbl)
## 1                                   Besotted (2001)     2 -3.025548
## 2                   Trumpet of the Swan, The (2001)     1 -3.025548
## 3                             Bad Boy (Dawg) (2002)     1 -3.025548
## 4                                  Joysticks (1983)     1 -3.025548
## 5  Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls (2008)     1 -3.025548
## 6        Prefab People, The (Panelkapcsolat) (1982)     1 -3.025548
## 7                              Lawless Range (1935)     1 -3.025548
## 8                            Paradise Canyon (1935)     1 -3.025548
## 9                             Rainbow Valley (1935)     1 -3.025548
## 10                         Mentiras y gordas (2009)     3 -3.025548
## ..                                              ...   ...       ...
arrange(movie_means, desc(b_i)) %>% 
    select(title, n_i, b_i) %>% 
## Source: local data frame [33,033 x 3]
##                                                                        title
##                                                                        (chr)
## 1                                              Hellhounds on My Trail (1999)
## 2                              Life On A String (Bian chang Bian Zou) (1991)
## 3  Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire (2004)
## 4                                                     Fine Madness, A (1966)
## 5                                                        Al otro lado (2004)
## 6                                                   All Passion Spent (1986)
## 7                             Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (1995)
## 8                                                               Moana (1926)
## 9                              Last Truck: Closing of a GM Plant, The (2009)
## 10                               Foster Brothers, The (Süt kardesler) (1976)
## ..                                                                       ...
## Variables not shown: n_i (int), b_i (dbl)

Problem 2D

In Problem 2C, we saw that the supposed “best” and “worst” movies were rated by very few users. These movies were mostly obscure ones. This is because with just a few users, we have more uncertainty. Therefore, larger estimates of \(b_i\), negative or positive, are more likely. These are “noisy” estimates that we should not trust, especially when it comes to prediction. Large errors can increase our RMSE, so we would rather be conservative when not sure.

In previous homeworks, we computed standard error and constructed confidence intervals to account for different levels of uncertainty. However, when making predictions we need one number not an interval. For this we introduce the concept of regularization.

Regularization permits us to penalize large estimates that come from small sample sizes. It has commonalities with the Bayesian approach that “shrunk” predictions. The general idea is to minimize a penalized least squares equation

\[\sum_{i=1}^I \sum_{u=1}^{n_i} (Y_{u,i} - \mu - b_i)^2 + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^I b_i^2\]

This leads to a regularized estimate that can be approximated with: \[ \hat{b}_i(\lambda) = \frac{1}{\lambda + n_i} \sum_{u=1}^{n_i} (Y_{u,i} - \hat{\mu}) \]

where \(n_i\) is the number of ratings made for movie \(i\). The larger the \(\lambda\) or the smaller the \(n_i\), the more we “shrink” \(\hat{b}_i(\lambda)\) to 0.

Compute these regularized estimates of \(b_i\) using \(\lambda=5\). Then, look at the top 10 best and worst movies. Do the movies make more sense now? Then see if the RMSE gets better.

## put your code here

lambda <- 5
mu <- mean(train$rating)
movie_reg_means <- train %>% 
  group_by(movieId) %>% 
  summarize(b_i = sum(rating - mu)/(n()+lambda), n_i = n())

movies <- read_csv("")
movie_reg_means <- movie_reg_means %>% left_join(movies) 
arrange(movie_reg_means, b_i) %>% select(title, n_i, b_i)
## Source: local data frame [33,033 x 3]
##                                                       title   n_i
##                                                       (chr) (int)
## 1                       SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004)   188
## 2                               From Justin to Kelly (2003)   380
## 3  Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure (2015)    51
## 4                                            Glitter (2001)   630
## 5                                  Hip Hop Witch, Da (2000)    25
## 6                                              Gigli (2003)   616
## 7                           Barney's Great Adventure (1998)   357
## 8                                     Disaster Movie (2008)   391
## 9                                     Pokémon Heroes (2003)   302
## 10                                   Son of the Mask (2005)   467
## ..                                                      ...   ...
## Variables not shown: b_i (dbl)
arrange(movie_reg_means, desc(b_i)) %>% select(title, n_i, b_i)
## Source: local data frame [33,033 x 3]
##                                          title   n_i       b_i
##                                          (chr) (int)     (dbl)
## 1             Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) 65806 0.9167740
## 2                        Godfather, The (1972) 42264 0.8283436
## 3        Can't Change the Meeting Place (1979)    17 0.8211678
## 4                   Usual Suspects, The (1995) 45219 0.7932904
## 5                      Schindler's List (1993) 50619 0.7644656
## 6               Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 27353 0.7434278
## 7  Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai) (1954) 10913 0.7374243
## 8                           Rear Window (1954) 16478 0.7210779
## 9       One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 30254 0.7180205
## 10                           Casablanca (1942) 23583 0.7082631
## ..                                         ...   ...       ...
joined <- test %>% 
  left_join(movie_reg_means, by='movieId') %>% 

predicted_ratings <- mu + joined$b_i
print(RMSE(predicted_ratings, test$rating))
## [1] 0.9544936
##To see what happens
data_frame(original = movie_means$b_i, 
           regularlized = movie_reg_means$b_i, 
           n = movie_reg_means$n) %>%
    ggplot(aes(original, regularlized, size=log10(n))) + 
        geom_point(shape=1, alpha=0.5)

Problem 2E

We have improved the RMSE substantially from our initial naive guess. What else can we do to improve? Let’s compute the average rating for user \(u\).

## put your code here

user_means <- train %>% 
  group_by(userId) %>% 
  summarize(b_u=mean(rating)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(b_u)) + geom_histogram()

Note that there is substantial variability across users as well. This means some users are harsher than others and implies that a further improvement to our model may be:

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + b_i + b_u + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

where is \(b_u\) a user-specific effect. Now it is possible that some users appear to be harsher than others only because they rate underaverage movies. For this reason we prefer to estimate \(b_u\) using the residuals.

\[ \hat{b}_u = \frac{1}{n_u} \sum_{i=1}^{n_u} (Y_{u,i} - \hat{\mu} - \hat{b}_i) \]

where \(\hat{\mu}\) and \(\hat{b}_i\) are calculated in the previous problems. Note that in theory we can use the least squares estimate provided by lm() but this approach will crash our computer. Furthermore, we prefer the regularized estimate of \(b_u\). As with the movies, you will find that the harshest and kindest raters will be those that rated few movies and thus produce more uncertain estimates. We will therefore also regularize the user bias estimate:

\[ \hat{b}_u = \frac{1}{\alpha + n_u} \sum_{i=1}^{n_u} (Y_{u,i} - \hat{\mu} - \hat{b}_i) \]

Let \(\alpha=10\). Estimate the user effects \(\hat{b}_u\). Then predict ratings and compute an RMSE. Note that although we are not requiring it here, we can use cross-validation to pick the \(\alpha\)s.

## put your code here

##we compute movie_means again to have
##all code in same place
lambda <- 5
alpha <- 10
mu <- mean(train$rating)
movie_reg_means <- train %>% ##as above but adding n_i
  group_by(movieId) %>% 
  summarize(b_i = sum(rating - mu)/(n()+lambda)) 

user_reg_means <- train %>% left_join(movie_reg_means) %>%
  mutate(resids = rating - mu - b_i) %>% group_by(userId) %>%
  summarize(b_u = sum(resids)/(n()+alpha))

joined <- test %>% 
  left_join(movie_reg_means, by='movieId') %>% 
  left_join(user_reg_means, by='userId') %>% 
  replace_na(list(b_i=0, b_u=0))

predicted_ratings <- mu + joined$b_i + joined$b_u
print(RMSE(predicted_ratings, test$rating)) #0.8683076
## [1] 0.8683076

Problem 3

Another common strategy for ratings prediction is matrix decomposition. The winning team used this approach and is described here. This approach is very much related to the PCA described in class. This problem will demonstrate how to use PCA to uncover broad, latent patterns in user/movie relationships, and how to use the results of PCA to predict unknown user/movie relationships.

The general idea comes from the realization that there are clusters of movies that some people will like and others people won’t. For example, there may be age divides, gender divides, “sophistication” divides, etc. This implies that a more complete model will include a term that is specific to groups of movies. For example, we let \(X_{i,1} = 1\) if movie \(i\) is a high budget blockbuster and 0 otherwise. We can model each users effect:

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + b_i + b_u + b_{1,i} X_{i,1} + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

We may have other groupings: say \(X_{i,2}=1\) if movie \(i\) is a low brow comedy and 0 otherwise. Our model then gets augmented as

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + b_i + b_u + b_{1,i} X_{i,1} + b_{2,i} X_{i,2} + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

But how do we find these \(X\)? If we think there are several of these, then the model looks like:

\[ Y_{u,i} = \mu + b_i + b_u + \sum_{j=1}^p b_{j,i} X_{i,j} + \varepsilon_{u,i} \]

You can learn in a more advanced course that PCA can actually be used to estimate the \(X\) that explain most variability. To do this we need to construct a matrix with movies in the rows and users in the columns. We can use the spread() function from tidyr to do this. However, if we just do this blindly we will get a matrix so large, that our computer will crash. Also, the matrix will have many NAs because not all users rate all movies. There are techniques to deal with these types of data. Here we will simplify the problem by looking at subset of the data with highly active users and movies that are rated by many.

train_small <- train %>% 
    filter(movieId %in% unique(test$movieId) & userId %in% unique(test$userId)) %>%
    group_by(movieId) %>% 
    filter(n()>=5000) %>% 
    ungroup %>%
    group_by(userId) %>% 
    filter(n()>=250) %>% 

Problem 3A

To estimate this part of the model: \(\sum_{j=1}^p b_{j,i} X_{i,k}\), we will consider the residuals \(Y_{u,i}-\hat{\mu}-\hat{b}_i-\hat{b}_u\). Create a column resids with these residuals for the train_small data set using the regularlized estimates you computed in Problem 2E.

## put your code here

## movie_reg_means and user_reg_means come from 2E
train_small <- train_small %>% 
  left_join(movie_reg_means, by='movieId') %>% 
  left_join(user_reg_means, by='userId') %>% 
  mutate(resids = rating - mu - b_i - b_u)

Problem 3B

Now, we can construct a new matrix using the spread() function in tidyr (call it Y) with movies in the rows and users in the columns. Use one of the join functions to merge the movie titles from the movies.csv file on GitHub. Remove the genres column (i.e. only keep the title column. Remove the year from the movie titles.

Finally, create two objects (one with the movieId in Y, call it movie_ids, and one with the title in Y, call it movie_titles). These will be used in a little bit. Afterwards, remove the movieID and title columns in Y using the select() function and then pipe the data frame to as.matrix() to convert to a matrix. Change all the missing data to a 0. There are better choices, but for simplicity we just use 0.

## put your code here

Y <- train_small %>% 
    select(userId, movieId, resids) %>% 
    spread(userId, resids) %>% 
    left_join(movies) %>% 
    select(-genres) %>%
    mutate(title = gsub("\\s\\([^)]*\\)","",title)) ##remove the year

movie_ids <- Y$movieId
movie_titles <- Y$title

Y <- select(Y, -movieId, -title) %>% as.matrix
Y[] <- 0

Use the prcomp() function to obtain the PCs of Y. The PCs will be our estimates of the \(X\). Use data visualization to explore if in fact the first PCs are grouping movies into meaningful groups.

Hint: Use the movie_titles to label points.

## put your code here

pca <- prcomp(Y, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE) ## can be made faster with svd function
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 16))

tmp <- data_frame(PC3 = pca$x[,3], 
                  PC4 = pca$x[,4], 
                  name = movie_titles) ##change these to other PCs. These seem to show interesting splits

##PC3 seems to be age related. Adn PC4 deep versus silly.
keep <- c(
  arrange(tmp, PC3) %>% slice(1:10) %>% .$name,
  arrange(tmp, desc(PC3)) %>% slice(1:10) %>% .$name,
  arrange(tmp, PC4) %>% slice(1:10) %>% .$name,
  arrange(tmp, desc(PC4)) %>% slice(1:10) %>% .$name)
tmp %>%  ggplot(aes(PC3, PC4)) + geom_point() + 
  geom_text_repel(aes(PC3, PC4, label=name), 
                  data = filter(tmp, name%in%keep))

Problem 3C

If pca holds your prcomp() object with the PCs from Y, you can reconstruct and estimate with, say, \(k\) = 20 PCs using the following:

k <- 20
pred <- pca$x[,1:k] %*% t(pca$rotation[,1:k])
colnames(pred) <- colnames(Y)

Use the gather() and the pred object above to create a prediction using these data for the test data set. What RMSE do you get?

## put your code here

k <- 20
pred <- pca$x[,1:k] %*% t(pca$rotation[,1:k])
colnames(pred) <- colnames(Y)

interaction <- 
    data.frame(movieId = movie_ids, pred, check.names=FALSE) %>% 
    tbl_df %>%
    gather(userId, b_ui, -movieId) %>% 
    mutate(userId = as.numeric(userId))

joined <- test %>% 
  left_join(movie_reg_means, by='movieId') %>% 
  left_join(user_reg_means, by='userId') %>% 
  left_join(interaction, by=c('movieId','userId')) %>%
  replace_na(list(b_i=0, b_u=0, b_ui=0))

predicted_ratings <- mu + joined$b_i + joined$b_u + joined$b_ui
print(RMSE(predicted_ratings, test$rating))
## [1] 0.8579948

Problem 3D

We tried out 5 different models. Report the RMSE for all 5. If you are so inclined, including others such as what you get with different \(\lambda\), \(\alpha\) or \(k\).

Problem 4

Download a test data set available on GitHub here. Make predictions to fill in the NAs and save a file with the same format but with the ratings filled in. Submit this as a .csv file as part of your homework with your name in in the file name.