This homework is due Sunday April 10, 2016 at 11:59PM EST. When complete, submit your code in an R Markdown file and the knitted HTML via GitHub.


The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1946 to promote international cooperation. It now represents 193 member states. The General Assembly is the largest body, with a seat for every member of the UN. It discusses topics of international importance such as maintaining peace and security, providing humanitarian aid, and protecting human rights.

We will be analyzing a dataset containing the full history of General Assembly votes by each country to determine what countries vote similarly and which do not. We will also explore how this changes through time.

Problem 1

We’ll start by loading the United Nations voting data into R and performing some data wrangling. We use data from this paper:

Voeten, Erik; Strezhnev, Anton; Bailey, Michael, 2009, “United Nations General Assembly Voting Data”,, Harvard Dataverse, V11

In this problem, we will combine information from three sources to create the datasets that we will use to study voting behavior.

Problem 1A

We have learned how to import text files into R. Here we are going to load a data object that is saved to a file. To get an idea of how this works try the following:

temp_filename <- tempfile() ## creaate tempory file name
temp_object <- 1:5 ## create an R object
save(temp_object, file=temp_filename) ## save the r object to file
rm(temp_object) ## remove object
load(temp_filename) ## load object from file
temp_object ## note that it's back
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

We usually use the suffix .RData or .rda for these objects.

The data for this project is stored as an .RData file. Go to this web page. To get the .RData file, click on the Download button for and choose the RData format.

To load the data set into R, use the load() function. Define the name of the object as x (but do NOT print it out as it has over 1 million rows).

## Here we download the dat from a csv so that the file runs without dependence
## load(
x <- read.delim("")

Problem 1B

The first problem to overcome is that if you try to print this object, it will crash your R session – it’s just that big! (1051752 rows). So first wrap it in tbl_df(x), and call it votes. After doing this you can erase x with rm(x).

## put your code here

votes <- tbl_df(x)
## Source: local data frame [1,051,752 x 4]
##     rcid session  vote ccode
##    (dbl)   (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
## 1      3       1     1     2
## 2      3       1     3    20
## 3      3       1     9    31
## 4      3       1     1    40
## 5      3       1     1    41
## ..   ...     ...   ...   ...

Problem 1C

We note that the data is already arranged according to the rules of tidy data. There is one row for each observation and one column for each variable.

Download the Codebook.pdf file from this page. How would you interpret the vote column? How many of each kind of vote are in this dataset?

## put your code here

votes %>%
## Source: local data frame [5 x 2]
##    vote      n
##   (dbl)  (int)
## 1     1 577756
## 2     2  93387
## 3     3  53891
## 4     8  72197
## 5     9 254521

Of the five types of votes, which three would provide information about the country’s position on an issue? Which two would not?

Your answer here: The Yes (1), Abstain (2), and No (3) votes all contain information. Absent (8) and Not a Member (9) do not.

Filter out the types of votes that do not provide information about our countries position on an issue from our dataset.

## put your code here

votes <- votes %>%
  filter(vote <= 3)

Problem 1D

According to the codebook, which column represents countries? What type of unique code is used to represent each country?

Your answer here: The ccode column represents countries, which uses a COW (Correlates of War) number.

Create new country column that contains country names based on this column. Hint: check out the countrycode package.

## put your code here

votes <- votes %>%
  mutate(country = countrycode(ccode, "cown", ""))

Problem 1E

Before continuing let’s wrangle the country names a bit. We are renaming countries with long names and renaming Congo to distinguish it from Democratic Republic of Congo. We make use of the powerful remapping function revalue() from plyr package. You should not load plyr though as it will create confusion with dplyr functions.

mapping <- c("United States"="USA",
          "United Kingdom"="UK",
          "Korea, Republic of"="South Korea",
          "Lao People's Democratic Republic"="Laos",
          "Yemen People's Republic"="South Yemen",
          "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"="Saint Vincent",
          "Congo"="Congo Republic")
votes <- votes %>% mutate(country = plyr::revalue(country, mapping)) %>%
  separate(country, into = c("country", "extra"), sep=",", fill="right")

Right now we have information about how every country voted on every resolution. But we do not have any information about the resolutions themselves (e.g. not what their title or topic was, or what date they were voted on). Next, we will bring this data in as well.

This data is provided as descriptions.csv. Read it in using the readr package and wrangle it as shown below:


url <- ""
descriptions <- read_csv(url, col_types = list(date = col_date("%m/%d/%y")))
## Warning: 1 parsing failure.
##  row col               expected actual
## 1483  ec no trailing characters      "
## from warning and looking at csv we see
## line 1483 has an extra "
## it's supposed to be a 0
descriptions[1483,"ec"] <-0

y <- year(descriptions$date)
year(descriptions$date) <- ifelse(y > 2030, y - 100, y)

Count the number of votes that were taken in each year. Create a line graph of the number of votes per year.

## put your code here

descriptions %>%
  count(year = year(date)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(year, n)) +
  geom_line() + xlab("Year") + ylab("Number of votes per year")

What year would we want to filter out from the dataset because there was only one vote?

Your answer here: 2015

Filter it out now.

## put your code here

descriptions <- descriptions %>%
  filter(year(date) != 2015)

Problem 1F

Read the Codebook.pdf about this dataset. Who classified certain votes as “important”?

Your answer here:

What percent of votes in history were categorized as “important”?

## put your code here

descriptions %>%
## Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
##   importantvote     n
##           (int) (int)
## 1             0  4983
## 2             1   368

The most interesting analyses can be done by combining the description and country-voting data.

Join the description and country-voting data (votes) to create a new data set. Remove the yes, no, and abstain columns from the description dataset. These are per-vote summaries that we do not need any more (and could be misleading). The final dataset should be called votes, which you will continue to use throughout the homework.

## put your code here

votes <- votes %>%
  inner_join(descriptions) %>%
  select(-yes, -no, -abstain)

Problem 2

Problem 2A

Canada and the US have been allies since the UN was created. We can create a matrix of all votes for these two countries using the spread() function in tidyr package like this:

y <- votes %>% 
  filter(country %in% c("USA", "Canada")) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
  select(rcid, year, importantvote, country, vote) %>%
  spread(country, vote)

We can see how often they have voted together in important votes and not-important votes:

y %>% 
    group_by(importantvote) %>% 
    summarize(mean(USA==Canada, na.rm=TRUE))
## Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
##   importantvote mean(USA == Canada, na.rm = TRUE)
##           (int)                             (dbl)
## 1             0                         0.5501014
## 2             1                         0.6475410

Compute the percentage in which the US and Canada voted the same. Calculate this percentage for each year and call it agreement. Fit a linear model using lm() to predict agreement with year.

## put your code here

lm_fit <- y %>% group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(agreement=mean(USA==Canada, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  lm(agreement ~ year, dat=.)
##          term     estimate    std.error statistic      p.value
## 1 (Intercept) 14.377913825 1.6821971259  8.547104 2.784184e-12
## 2        year -0.006963537 0.0008494504 -8.197697 1.172437e-11

What is the trend predicted by the linear model? Is it statistically significant?

Your answer here: There is a negative trend in the agreement between the USA and Canada throughout the years. It is statistically significant.

Problem 2B

In the previous problem we found a negative trend in the agreement between the USA and Canada throughout the years. Interpreting this linear model would imply that disagreement between these two counties was worse during the Clinton administration (1992-2000) than the Reagan administration (1980-1998).

Now, instead of blindly interpreting the regression results, plot the data and use a smoother to estimate a trend. Based on this analysis, how do thes Regan and Clinton administrations compare?

Hint: Make sure to pick a window size or span that creates a trend that goes through data.

## put your code here

y %>% group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(agreement=mean(USA==Canada, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, agreement)) +
  geom_point() +

Problem 2C

Make the plot above for the agreement through time between the US and the following countries: Israel, UK, Mexico, Cuba, and China. Make two plots: one for important votes to non-important votes.

## put your code here

countries <- c("USA", "Israel", "UK", "Mexico", "Cuba", "China")
votes %>% mutate(year=year(date)) %>%
  filter(country%in%countries)  %>%
  select(rcid, year, country, vote, importantvote) %>%
  spread(country, vote) %>%
  group_by(year, importantvote) %>%
  summarize(Israel=mean(USA==Israel, na.rm=TRUE),
            UK=mean(USA==UK, na.rm=TRUE),
            Mexico=mean(USA==Mexico, na.rm=TRUE),
            Cuba=mean(USA==Cuba, na.rm=TRUE),
            China=mean(USA==China, na.rm=TRUE))%>% 
  gather(country, agreement, Israel:China) %>%
  ggplot(aes(year, agreement, col=country))  +
  stat_smooth(span=1/4, method.args=list(degree=1), se=FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ importantvote)
## Warning: Removed 27 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 27 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Describe the observed patterns.

Your answer here:

Problem 3

In this problem, we will focus only on important votes. To get a better idea of who votes together we can compute a distance between each country. We will focus on countries that voted more than 95% of time in the 368 votes

countries <- votes %>% 
                filter(importantvote==1) %>% 
                group_by(country) %>% 
                summarize(p=n()/368) %>% 
                filter(p>=0.95) %>% 

We can create a matrix with all the votes using the spread() function:

tmp <- votes %>% 
    filter(country %in% countries & year(date) >= 1980 & importantvote == 1) %>%
    select(rcid, country, vote) %>% 
    spread(country, vote) 

X <- as.matrix(tmp[,-1])
rownames(X) <- tmp$rcid

Problem 3A

Create a distance matrix between each country. Call this matrix d.

Hint: Use the dist() function, but note that X has countries in the columns and dist() computes distances between rows. Look at the dist help file for more infomration. You can use the default method = "Euclidean" in the dist() function. You can switch rows to columns using the t() (transpose) function. Finally, once you create the distance matrix d you can visualize it using heatmap() or hclust().

## put your code here

d <- dist(t(X))

What country is closest to US? Which is furthest?

dist_from_us <- as.matrix(d)["USA",]
data.frame(country = names(dist_from_us), dist = dist_from_us) %>% 
    filter(country!="USA") %>% 
    arrange(dist) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=seq_along(dist), y=dist, label=country)) + 
        geom_point() + geom_text_repel()



Your answer here: Israel is closest. Cuba is farthest.

Problem 3B

Given how close some countries are and how far others are to US in voting, we should be able to predict how the US will vote based on others. Let’s try to implement a machine learning algorithm to do this.

Use the votes data set to create a new dataset with seven columns. One column will represent the USA vote as the outcome (call it y) and the last six columns will be the vote from the six countries examined above in Problem 2 (include Canada), which will be used a predictors in our machine learning algorithm. Only consider the important votes. In the column for the USA vote column (y), remove the Abstain votes and only consider the Yes and No votes from the USA. Tranform the USA vote column (y) to contain only 0s and 1s where 0 = No vote and 1 = Yes vote.

## put your code here

countries <- c("USA", "Canada", "Israel", "UK", "Mexico", "Cuba", "China")

dat <- votes %>% 
        filter(importantvote == 1 & country %in% countries) %>%
        select(rcid, country, vote) %>% 
        spread(country, vote, fill = 2) %>% 
        rename(y = USA) %>% 
        filter(y != 2) %>% 
        select(-rcid) %>%
        mutate(y = ifelse(y == 1, 1, 0))

Use the caret R package to split the data into a training set with 80% of data and a test set with the remaing 20%. Then use glm() to build a model. What is the accuracy?

## put your code here


inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = dat$y, p = 0.8)
train_set <- slice(dat, inTrain$Resample1)
test_set <- slice(dat, -inTrain$Resample1)

fit <- glm(y~., data=train_set, family="binomial")
pred <- predict(fit, newdata = test_set, type = "response")
tab <- table(pred = round(pred), truth = test_set$y)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##     truth
## pred  0  1
##    0 30  2
##    1  3 36
##                Accuracy : 0.9296          
##                  95% CI : (0.8433, 0.9767)
##     No Information Rate : 0.5352          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 3.731e-13       
##                   Kappa : 0.8582          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1               
##             Sensitivity : 0.9091          
##             Specificity : 0.9474          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9375          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.9231          
##              Prevalence : 0.4648          
##          Detection Rate : 0.4225          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.4507          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9282          
##        'Positive' Class : 0               

Problem 3C

We see that obtain a very high accuracy, but note that this is a random variable due to the random split of our data. Try 10 new random splits and report on how much our accuracy changes.

## put your code here

acc <- sapply(1:10,function(i){
  inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = dat$y,
  train_set <- slice(dat, inTrain$Resample1)
  test_set <- slice(dat, -inTrain$Resample1)
  fit <- glm(y~., data=train_set, family="binomial")
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata = test_set, type = "response")
  tab <- table(pred = round(pred), 
             truth = test_set$y)
## Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
## [1] 0.9380282
## [1] 0.03128325

Problem 3D

Compare your glm() model to a knn(). Use the train() function to run 10 cross validations leaving out 20% of the data. Plot your results.

## put your code here

control <- trainControl(method='cv', number=10, p=.8)
dat <- mutate(dat, y=factor(y))
res <- train(y ~ .,
             data = dat,
             method = "knn",
             trControl = control,
             tuneLength = 1, # How fine a mesh to go on grid
res$results %>% 
  ggplot(aes(k, Accuracy, ymin= Accuracy - AccuracySD, 
             ymax = Accuracy + AccuracySD)) +
  geom_point() + geom_errorbar()

How many nearest neighbors should we use?

Your answer here: We should use k=3